
The Nature-based Solutions Initiative is an interdisciplinary program of research, policy advice and education based at the University of Oxford.

The NbS Evidence Platform of the University of Oxford is an interactive, international map linking nature-based solutions to climate adaptation outcomes based on a systematic review of the peer-reviewed literature.

Sustainable and Resilient Coastal Cities (SARCC), a collaborative European project designed to help mainstream nature-based solutions into coastal management and policy making

The Think Nature project is an online platform with a examples of nature-based solutions. You can interact and exchange solutions with others working on these challenges.

WEDG Waterfront Edge Design Guidelines, Waterfront Alliance

Selected Publications by Adam Parris

Sanderson, Erik W., William D. Solecki, John R. Waldman, and Adam S. Parris, eds.. Prospects for Resilience: Insights from New York City’s Jamaica Bay (Island Press, 2016).

Parris, Adam. “How Hurricane Sandy tames the Bureaucracy,” Issues on Science and Technology 30, no.4 (Summer 2014)83-90

Engineering with Nature Resources

Engineering With Nature®: An Atlas

Engineering with Nature Podcast

Engineering with Nature publications

Selected Publications by Michael Beck

Airoldi, Laura and Beck, Michael W. and Firth, Louise B. and Bugnot, Ana B. and Steinberg, Peter D. and Dafforn, Katherine A., Emerging Solutions to Return Nature to the Urban Ocean. Annual Review of Marine Science (forthcoming)

Scyphers, S. B., M. W. Beck, J. Haner, A. G. Keeler, C. E. Landry, S. B. M. Webb, J. H. Grabowski. 2020. Designing effective incentives to reverse coastal habitat degradation along residential shorelines. Conservation Letters 10.1111/conl.12744

Menéndez, P., Losada, I. J., S. Torres-Ortega, S. Narayan, Beck, M. W. 2020. Global flood protection benefits of mangroves. Scientific Reports 10:4404

Beck, M. W., I. Losada, P. Menendez, Reguero, B.G., P. Diaz Simal, F. Fernandez. 2018. The global flood protection savings provided by coral reefs. Nature Communications 9:2186.

Reguero, B.G., M.W. Beck, D. Bresch, J. Calil, I. Meliane.  2018. Comparing the cost effectiveness of Nature-based and artificial Coastal Adaptation: A case study from the Gulf Coast of the United States.  PLoS ONE 13(4): e0192132.

Narayan, S., M.W. Beck, P. Wilson, C. Thomas, A. Guerrero, C. Shepard, B. G. Reguero, G. Franco, C. J. Ingram, D. Trespalacios. 2017. The Value of Coastal Wetlands for Flood Damage Reduction in the Northeastern USA. Scientific Reports 7:9463.

Ferrario, F., M. W. Beck, C. Storlazzi, F. Micheli, C. Shepard, L. Airoldi. 2014. The effectiveness of coral reefs for coastal hazard risk reduction. Nature Communications 5,3794: 1-9.

Resources from “Priorities in Protection: Climate Justice and Environmental Equity” by Jessica Hardesty Norris

Hudson, P. and Botzen, W.W., 2019. Cost–benefit analysis of flood‐zoning policies: A review of current practice. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 6(6), p.e1387.

Kind, J., Botzen, W. J. W., & Aerts, J. C. J. H. (2016). Accounting for risk aversion, income distribution and social welfare in cost–benefit analysis for flood risk management. WIREs Climate Change, 8.

National Research Council. 2004. Analytical Methods and Approaches for Water Resources Project Planning. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Siders, A.R., 2019. Social justice implications of US managed retreat buyout programs. Climatic Change, 152(2), pp.239-257.

Resources from “Retreat: Embracing the Inevitable” by Jennifer Dowdell; The Quinault Indian Nation village of Taholah is located within Washington State at the confluence of the Quinault River and the Pacific Ocean

Resources from “Fitting (place- and nature-based) Solutions into the Urban Fabric” by Chris Streb

Wilson, Edward Osborne. Biophilia. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1984.

Additional Publications

Bouw, Matthijs, and Erik van Eekelen, eds., Building With Nature – Creating, Implementing And Upscaling Nature – Based Solutions (NAi010, EcoShape, 2020.)

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