At a Glance

Accurate characterization of Red Run’s channel morphology, biological diversity, and water quality will provide a solid foundation for the restoration of this trout stream.

Project Description

Delight Quarry, lolocated in western Baltimore County, had been in operation since the late 1800s. Development of the quarry impacted nearby Red Run Stream, which had been relocated and straightened to accommodate quarry operations.  With the quarry closing and the need to adhere to the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1977, the client hired Biohabitats to develop an aquatic resource study to determine the baseline conditions of Red Run. As a part of mine reclamation, Red Run is being restored to natural stream channel conditions and the quarry is being allowed to fill with water.

To establish a baseline understanding of the biological, chemical and physical parameters of Red Run and the tributaries up-and downstream of the quarry, Biohabitats created an aquatic resource study. Six stream sampling stations were established for collection of fish; benthic macroinvertebrates; physical attributes such as temperature, total dissolved solids and suspended solids; stream channel morphology; and water samples for chemical analysis.  Surber sample and fish shocking were used for fish collection and analysis.

Red Run was formerly a natural trout stream, but due to recent development within the watershed, the stream has declined and is no longer able to sustain a breeding trout population. Closure of the quarry and subsequent development of the site will provide an opportunity to enhance habitat around the quarry and restore Red Run to a condition that supports trout populations.



Chesapeake/Delaware Bays

Physiographic Province

Piedmont Plateau


Gunpowder Patapsco

Expertise Areas



Koren Development


Reisterstown, Maryland, United States