Biohabitats Projects, Places, and People
By Amy Nelson
We’re on a Campus Near You!
With all the “back to school” hoopla this month, we thought it was an appropriate time to let you know that we’re continuing our work to improve ecological conditions on campuses around the country:
Towson University Stormwater Master Planning
After working with Ayers Saint Gross and RK&K to complete a campus-wide master plan for this 300+ acre University north of Baltimore, we are now beginning work on one of the plan’s key recommendations – comprehensive stormwater management planning for the development of a new series of buildings for the College of Liberal Arts. We will be working closely with the University’s Department of Facilities Management in this important effort.
University of Rhode Island – Sustainability Assessment
Having completed an ecological master plan for North campus of the University of Rhode Island with William McDonough & Partners in 2002, we are now poised to begin a sustainability assessment. As a subconsultant to Natural Logic, we will be developing a series of regenerative design guidelines that will allow the North campus to grow in a way that is truly sustainable. The guidelines will inform the entire University community, including those who will implement future design projects.
Ongoing Ecological Protection On The Campus Of Loyola College
After completing a campus master plan as a subconsultant to Ayers Saint Gross, we are now working with Loyola College in Baltimore to ensure the protection of the campus’ ecological features. Currently, we are reviewing campus sewer plans produced by the City of Baltimore.
Enhancing Cleveland’s West Creek
Biohabitats’ Great Lakes Bioregion office will begin work this Fall on the restoration of West Creek, a degraded urban stream in Cleveland, Ohio. Biohabitats is working as a subconsultant to Wade Trimm on this Ohio EPA-funded project for the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District. Despite having very narrow riparian zones through heavily industrialized areas, some trout have been found in the Creek – an encouraging sign for this 3,000 linear foot urban stream restoration.
Bronxdale Upland Riparian Restoration Project (at the Bronx Zoo)
Following up on an ecological master plan we helped prepare for the Bronx Zoo in 2002, we recently completed stormwater and woodland management plans for the Zoo’s Bronxdale area. This high-profile section of the zoo, which features main visitor entrances, is situated directly along the Bronx River and includes large areas of impervious surface. We have begun design development for many of the plans’ recommendations, including stormwater BMPs, hydrologic improvements, and a woodland restoration action plan that includes invasive species control and supplemental woodland plantings. Funded by NOAA’s “Connecting the Community of the Lower Bronx River” grants, these projects are part of the Wildlife Conservation Society’s comprehensive strategy to be a leader in the restoration of the Bronx River and to enhance the guest experience at the Zoo.
Baltimore County, MD & Biohabitats Join Forces Again For Lower Spring Branch Restoration
After completing Minebank Run, the largest stream restoration in Baltimore County, Maryland, we are thrilled to partner with the County again on the 2,000 lf restoration of Lower Spring Branch. Biohabitats provided design and construction oversight services for the restoration of Spring Branch, completed in 1999, so we are well positioned to hit the ground designing.
Stormwater BMP Manual in Development for Lake County, OH
We are thrilled to be working hand-in-hand with the Lake County Ohio’s Stormwater Management Division to develop a Stormwater Quality Best Management Practices Manual for land development (and re-development) projects. These manuals will be used as both references and benchmarks for establishing guidelines and standards for this Phase II Ohio EPA community. The first manual section to be developed is Bioretention.
Moving Upstream for a Delaware Stream Restoration
After completing construction of the restoration of Pike’s Creek at Three Little Bakers Golf Course, we were asked by the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) to apply our expertise to another stretch of this degraded urban stream. The 2,000 lf section, located about a mile upstream of the Three Little Bakers site, has experienced severe erosion and subsequent aquatic habitat degradation due to urban hydrology. We look forward to working with DNREC to restore habitat to this designated trout stream in New Castle County.
Biohabitats Chesapeake/Delaware Bays Office Moves Into The Stables
Although we were quite cozy amidst our crowded drafting tables over the past 10 years, we’ve been chomping at the bit to move into our new Chesapeake/Delaware Bays Bioregion office, located in the former stables of the Clipper Mill in Baltimore City. Situated on an existing brownfields site, our new digs provide us with much needed space and the opportunity to walk the talk of environmental stewardship. The office, designed and furnished using recycled materials and non-toxic paints and finishes, includes an interior “green wall” of plants and soil to filter and purify the building’s air – the first one of its kind in the U.S. Stop by and visit us soon!
April Phillips, CADD/GIS Specialist
April joined the Biohabitats team in June. Her move came after several contract drafting assignments in the Baltimore/Washington area and over 18 years of distinguished public service with the City of Detroit. April’s tenure with the City included terms as a GIS Manager for the Assessor’s Office, a Zoning Inspector for the Board of Zoning Appeals, and Project Manager for the City’s parcel project. April brings expertise in MicroStation and several GIS software packages to the Biohabitats team. When not at the drafting table, she can be found working out or torturing her overworked fingers with hours of intense play on her Game Boy Advance. A true team player, April enjoys the casual, collaborative environment at Biohabitats. Just don’t mess with her Game Boy.
Kevin Nunnery, Bioregion Manager, Senior Environmental Scientist
Before he was even out of school, Kevin was helping to establish some of North Carolina’s first wetland mitigation banks. Now, he has a PhD in Wetland Ecology and Restoration Ecology from Duke University and over 13 years of professional experience in the Tar Heel State. We think he’s the perfect person to lead our North Carolina office and support our growing practice in the Southeast Bioregion. A North Carolina native and fly fisherman extraordinaire, Kevin brings substantial knowledge of local waterways and ecosystems – and a great sense of humor – to the Biohabitats team. Fully Rosgen trained, he has managed stream and wetland restoration projects for state agencies such as the EEP and the DOT. When he’s not working, Kevin enjoys spending time with his family and strumming his guitar.
Wilhelmina Clingman, CADD/GIS Specialist
Wilhelmina joined Biohabitats in July, augmenting our drafting corps with her 10+ years of CADD/GIS experience and specialized skills in MicroStation and Intergraph products. Wilhelmina‘s professional experience includes service as Senior GIS Analyst for the City of Detroit, where she supported the City’s Water Department, Department of Public Works, Fire Department and Assessor’s Office with all of their GIS needs. Clearly a woman who likes to stay busy, Wilhelmina also enjoys cycling, working out and spending time with her three –yes, three –teenage children.
Phil Erb, IT/MIS Specialist
Since taking over the IT reins in June, Phil has been hard at work addressing our technological demands and helping us to improve products and client communication. IT is a critical element of the Biohabitats vision for conservation planning, ecological restoration, and regenerative design. Getting it done right takes a firm commitment to IT. That’s where Phil comes in. If it plugs in, he knows how to get it humming. Shattering all “IT guy” stereotypes, Phil spends a great deal of time outdoors, and enjoys hiking, biking and camping with his wife. Whether he’s dealing with bit maps or trail maps, Phil is one heck of a nice guy, and we’re glad to have him on board.