Projects & Places
Biohabitats, Inc. to Prepare Conceptual Design for Stream Restoration along Moose Lodge Tributary
The Harford County (MD) Department of Public Works has retained Biohabitats to develop a concept plan to restore 1000 feet of forested stream which has incised and is completely disconnected from the floodplain along the upstream portion of the project area. The concept plan will focus on minimizing impact to the existing tree cover, employing the use of natural channel design techniques, enhancing the riparian buffer, and working in concert with the existing surroundings. Biohabitats work will include performing an alternative feasibility study, developing a stream restoration concept, performing a natural resources inventory and a hydrologic analysis.
Largest Stream Restoration in Baltimore County History Is Now Complete
The recent removal of bridge abutments along the banks of Minebank Run in Baltimore County, Maryland, marked the final stage of a $3.1 million project to address serious erosion, flooding, and water quality issues in this tributary of the Gunpowder Falls. Biohabitats designed, permitted, provided construction oversight and monitoring for nearly 8,000 feet of stream during the first phase of this project which was completed in 2002.
Biohabitats Awarded a 5-year $5 Million Contract with GSA (Schedule 899)
Biohabitats has established a relationship with the General Services Administration’s (GSA) Federal Supply Service. This 5-year $5 million multi-award schedule contract (GS-10F-0262R) will allow Biohabitats to provide environmental consulting services directly to a broad spectrum of federal agencies. More information about procuring services can be obtained through GSA’s procurement site GSA Advantage!
Biohabitats to Design Stream Restoration in Downtown Durham
The North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) is undertaking the restoration of Goose Creek in downtown east central Durham, North Carolina. Goose Creek is degraded due to encroachment and urban development in the contributing watershed. In conjunction with ongoing redevelopment plans in this urban area, the restoration project will help revitalize this neighborhood, as well as improve water quality in this water supply watershed.
Adaptive Management Approach Proposed for New National Aquarium Campus
To complement their world-renowned Inner Harbor facility, the National Aquarium in Baltimore is proposing to develop a new aquatic animal care and conservation education center on a site along the Middle Branch of the Patapsco River, Baltimore. As part of a Master Plan team led by Ayers Saint Gross Architects and Planners and Michael Vergason Landscape Architects, Biohabitats has been working to integrate an adaptive management approach into the design of the multiple-phase campus development plan that includes tidal wetland and woodland restoration, phytoremediation, and upland water treatment wetlands, all of which are aimed at regenerating ecological processes of a portion of the Middle Branch riparian corridor and shoreline.
Biohabitats Undertakes Stream Enhancement Project at Sevenmile Creek
Biohabitats’ Ohio River Bioregion, the lead firm for this design/build project taking place at the Ellington Agricultural Center in Nashville, Tennessee, is currently working on the preliminary design for enhancement of Sevenmile Creek. The objectives for this project include improving bank stability and in-stream habitat, particularly for the endangered Nashville Crayfish. The work also involves riparian buffer establishment and floodplain basin improvements.
2nd Season of Noxious Weed Inventory and Treatment Now Underway
On June 6, our field crews arrived in Durango, CO, to begin our 2nd season of noxious weed inventory and treatment for the USDA Forest Service which augments our 2004 work to inventory fire-damaged portions of San Juan National Forest (Upper and Lower Missionary Ridge and East and West Vallecito) totaling 65,000 acres. We’re joined in this effort by Southwest Weed, Inc., out of Cortez, CO.
Private Ranches in Colorado Seek Biohabitats’ Expertise in Preparing Easement Documentation Reports
Conservation easements are becoming popular means for private landowners to protect their property from unlimited development. Landowners who donate or bargain-sell conservation easements to a qualified organization (e.g., a land trust or a public agency) and who seek a federal tax deduction for a charitable donation must hire an independent expert to prepare a report that documents the conservation values of the property (wildlife habitat, relatively natural plant communities, and open space). Biohabitats’ Southern Rocky Mountain Bioregion office is currently preparing easement documentation reports for several private ranches in Colorado.
Biohabitats To Develop A Stormwater BMP Manual for Lake County, OH
Lake County Stormwater Management Division has retained Biohabitats to develop a Stormwater Quality Best Management Practices Manual for land development (and re-development) projects. These manuals will be used as both references and benchmarks for establishing guidelines and standards for Lake County, Ohio. The first manual section to be developed is Bioretention.
Biohabitats Participates in Restoration of Philadelphia’s Historic Awbury Arboretum
Biohabitats is working as a member of the Awbury Watershed Coalition with the Philadelphia Water Department to improve existing conditions at this historic property in Philadelphia. We developed strategies for control of undesirable invasive plants and reintroduction of desirable native species in existing wetlands, woodlands and meadows; developed an approach to redirect street runoff into a bioretention facility to be designed by Biohabitats and constructed by the Water Department with Biohabitats assistance; evaluating the redirection of other street runoff into a wetland on the Awbury property to improve the quality of the water as well as provide additional water for a pond on the Awbury property.
Biohabitats Updating Stewardship Plans for Stagecoach and St. Vrain State Parks
Colorado State Parks has an ambitious program of preparing and periodically updating resource stewardship plans for all state parks. Last year, Alan Carpenter – now the Senior Ecologist heading up Biohabitats’ Southern Rocky Mountain Bioregion office – prepared draft resource stewardship plants for several state parks including St. Vrain and Stagecoach. Plans are now being updated and are expected to be completed this summer.
Biohabitats Undertakes Feasibility Study to Determine Public Access to Conservation Area
The City of Cleveland has retained Biohabitats’ Great Lakes Bioregion office to develop a feasibility study for public access of Dike 14. The Dike 14 is 88-acres of closed confined dredge disposal facility. This site offers a unique setting for viewing wildlife habitat (i.e., birds). This is one of Cleveland’s initial projects under the lakefront development. The feasibility study will evaluate the public access to the site and enjoy the flora and fauna of a natural environment, ranging from relatively simple trails to more elaborate boardwalks, viewing stations and possible interpretive centers.
Biohabitats Preparing Vegetation Management Plan for Trinidad Lake State Park
Biohabitats’ Southern Rocky Mountain Bioregion office is preparing a vegetation management plan for Trinidad Lake State Park in the foothills of Southern Colorado. The park has important areas of pinyon-juniper woodland, riparian areas, and wetlands. One goal of the plan is to identify areas of tree die-back and wildfire hazard areas and to recommend steps that the park can take to deal with these issues. Another goal is to identify noxious weeds present at the park, the riparian and wetland areas where they are concentrated, and to make recommendations for weed management.
Pennsylvania Environmental Council Hires Biohabitats to Identify Site and Develop Plans for Wetland
Working with the Pennsylvania Environmental Council (PEC) and the Philadelphia Water Department, Biohabitats will evaluate a variety of potential wetland creation sites. We will conduct site studies and develop a detailed conceptual design for the creation of a one to two acre wetland focused on providing both wildlife habitat and water quality functions and values.
Biohabitats Conducts Ecological Education Seminars for Baltimore City Middle School Students
As a result of a request from the Maryland Institute College of Art, Joe Berg, one of Biohabitats’ restoration ecologists, conducted three environmental education seminars for middle school students from the Booker T. Washington School in Baltimore. The purpose of the seminars was to provide over 60 students an introduction to ecological restoration and identify opportunities for careers in this expanding field.
Stephanie Klein, Environmental Scientist, Joins Biohabitats Team
Biohabitats welcomes the addition of Stephanie Klein to our Chesapeake bioregion office. She has been trained as an Environmental Scientist in Northern California in the redwood region with an emphasis in Ethics. Her passion lies in green building including, permaculture site design, assessment, and implementation. She has done extensive work with invasive species identification and eradication in the redwood ecosystem for restoration efforts. Stephanie also served as a field assistant in Iceland evaluating the geomorphology and applied engineering techniques to the infrastructure of a geologically active area. Currently, Stephanie is at Johns Hopkins University pursuing an MS in Environmental Science with an ecological management concentration.