Leaf Litter


Explore our list of recommended reading and links for more information on natural capital.

Article Index

In addition to the many links that appear throughout this issue (including those you provided in response to our survey, we have gathered the following recommended resources on natural capital.

Barbier, Edward B. 2005. Natural Resources and Economic Development. CambridgeUniversity Press.

Berkes, Fikret and C. Folke. 1991. A systems perspective on the interrelations between natural, human-made and cultural capital.

Boyd, James and Banzahf, S. 2006. What Are Ecosystem Services? The Need for Standardized Environmental Accounting Units. Resources for the Future.

Costanza, R., et al. 1997. The value of the world’s ecosystem services and natural capital. Nature 387:253-260.

Costanza, R., Daly, H.E. and Bartholomew, J.A. 1001. Goals, agenda, and policy recommendations for ecological economics. In: R. Costanza (Ed), Ecological Economics: The Science and Management of Sustainability. ColumbiaUniversity Press.

Costanza, R. and H. E. Daly. 1992. Natural capital and sustainable development. Conservation Biology 6:37-46.

Costanza, R., L. Wainger, C. Folke, and K-G Mäler. 1993. Modeling complex ecological economic systems: toward an evolutionary, dynamic understanding of people and nature. BioScience 43:545-555.

Costanza, R. and M. Ruth. 1998. Using dynamic modeling to scope environmental problems and build consensus. Environmental Management 22:183-195

Costanza, R. 2000. Visions of alternative (unpredictable) futures and their use in policy analysis. Conservation Ecology 4(1):5. [online] URL: http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol4/iss1/art5/

Costanza, R. 2003. A vision of the future of science: reintegrating the study of humans and the rest of nature. Futures 35:651-671.

Costanza, R. (ed.). 1991. Ecological Economics: The Science and Management Of Sustainability. ColumbiaUniversity Press, New York, 525 pp.

Costanza, R., J. C. Cumberland, H. E. Daly, R. Goodland, and R. Norgaard. 1997. An Introduction to Ecological Economics. St. Lucie Press, Boca Raton, 275 pp.

Costanza, R., B. Low, E. Ostrom, , and J. Wilson (eds). 2001. Institutions, Ecosystems, and Sustainability. Lewis/CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL 270 pp.

Costanza, R. and S. E. Jørgensen (eds.) 2002. Understanding and Solving Environmental Problems in the 21st Century: Toward a New, Integrated Hard Problem Science. Elsevier, Amsterdam. 324 pp.

Daly, Herman and Farley, J. 2004. Ecological Economics: Principles and Applications. Island Press.

Daly, Herman E. 1997. The Economics of Sustainable Development. Beacon Press Books.

Daly, H.E.. 1980. The steady-state economy: Toward a political economy of biophysical equilibrium and moral growth. In: H.E. Daly (Ed), Economics, Ecology, Ethics: Essays Toward a Steady-State Economy. Freeman.

Daily , Gretchen C. (ed.) 1997 Societal Dependence on Natural Ecosystems. Island Press. (Read a review of this book)

Daily, Gretchen, K. Ellison. 2002. The New Economy of Nature: The Quest to Make Conservation Profitable. Island Press, 250 pp.

Faber, Malte Michael, Proops, J., Speck. S.,1999. Capital and Time in Ecological Economics: New-Austrian Modelling. Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc.

Folke, C. 1991. Socio-economic dependence on the life-supporting environment. In: C. Folke and T. Kaberger (Editors), Linking the Natural Environment and the Economy: Essays from the Eco-Group. Kluwer.

Foster, John. And Gough, S. (eds). 2005 Learning, Natural Capital and Sustainable Development. Taylor & Francis, Inc.

Hawkin, Paul, A. Lovins, L.H. Lovins. 2000.Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution. Little, Brown & Company.

Martinez-Alier, J. Environmentalism of the Poor: A Study of Ecological Conflicts and Valuation. Edward Elgar, 10/01/2002)

Martinez-Alier, J., O. S. Bonilla, P.H. Jasinski, R. Costanza and S. Mageau (eds.). 1996. Getting Down to Earth: Practical Applications of Ecological Economics. Island Press.

Chapter 12, “Valuing Ecosystem Services Lost to Tamarix Invasion in the United States” in: Mooney, H.A. and R.J. Hobbs, eds. 2000. Invasive Species in a Changing World. WashingtonDC: Island Press

Nelson, Nanette. 2004. Evaluating the Economic Impact of Community Open Space and Urban Forests: A Literature Review. [LINK: guf_hedonic_lit_review.pdf] University of Georgia, Institute of Ecology, River Basin Center.

Norgaard, R.B., 1987. Economics as mechanics and the demise of biological diversity. Ecological Modelling, 38: 107121.

Odum, H.T. 1973. Energy, ecology and economics. Ambio 2:220-227.

Prugh, T., Costanza, R., Cumerland, J.H., Daly, H.E., Goodland, R., Norgaard, R.B. 1999. Natural Capital and Human Economic Survival. CRC Press.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds. 1995. Economic Benefits of Runoff Controls.

U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water. 2004. Water Quality Trading Assessment Handbook: Can Water Quality Trading Advance Your Watershed’s Goals?

Center for Watershed Protection (prepared for the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation). 2001. The Economic Benefits of Protecting Virginia’s Streams, Lakes and Wetlands and The Economic Benefits of Better Site Design in Virginia.

Woodworth, Paddy. 2006. Working for Water in South Africa. Saving the World on a Single Budget? World Policy Journal, Summer 2006.

Visitor Use Fees in Protected Areas: Synthesis of the North American, Costa Rican and Belizeian Experience, a report written by Cory R. Brown for The Nature Conservancy’s Ecotourism Program, includes sections on the economics of protected area visitation and recreation economics.

Re-thinking conservation: Give nature monetary values, ecologist says. By Mark Schwartz. Stanford Report, February 27, 2002.

Putting a price tag on nature. Can ecological economics head us toward a sustainable future? by Julie Ann Gustanski and E. Ariel Bergmann. Environmental Outlook 2004


Ecological Economics the transdisciplinary journal of the International Society for Ecological Economics.

Ecology and Society

Environment and Development Economics

Environmental and Resource Economics

Environmental Values

International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management

Land Economics

Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

Earth Economics

Ecological Economics

Ecosystem Valuation a site designed for non-economists who need answers to questions about the benefits of ecosystem conservation, preservation or restoration.

The Environmental Values Project. The Carnegie Council has initiated a multi-site, multi-year collaborative research project to explain and compare values and their role in environmental policy making in China, India, Japan, and the United States.

Housed at the University of Vermont, the Gund Institute for Ecological Economics is developing, testing, and implementing innovative methods and models that reflect the need to integrate the social, built, natural, and human capital components of our world.

The International Institute for Environment and Development’s Environmental Economics Programme aims to conduct policy-relevant analysis on the economics of sustainable development.

International Society for Ecological Economics.

New Zealand Centre for Ecological Economics

Opportunities for Graduate Training in Ecological Economics

United States Society for Ecological Economics

Willingness to pay and ecological economics

Through educational partner Fathom, RAND offers an on-line seminar titled “Nature’s Services,” which includes courses such as “The Value of Nature,” “References on Economic Valuation and Related Economic Concepts” and “Nature as Currency.”

Can We Put a Price on Nature’s Services? By Mark Sagoff

Resources & Links Related to Emergy

In addition to the literature recommended above, the following resources are recommended to participants in Dave Tilley’s Ecological Decision Making course at the University of Maryland. Dave also recommends these links related to emergy:

David Tilley’s home page http://www.nrmt.umd.edu/tilley.htm

David Tilley’s Course Syllabus on Emergy Accounting and Simulation Modeling http://www.nrmt.umd.edu/EcologicalDecisionMaking.htm

USEPA study of West Virginia Emergy Analysis http://www.epa.gov/NHEERL/publications/files/wvevaluationposted.pdf

Emergy Short Course Syllabus at US EPA http://www.epa.gov/aed/html/collaboration/emergycourse/presentations/syllabus.html

Emergy Evaluation of the Biosphere and Natural Capitalhttp://www.urbanecology.washington.edu/student_info/classes/spring2003/MBrown-emergy-biosphere-natural-capital.pdf

University of Florida Center for Environmental Policy: http://www.ees.ufl.edu/cep/default.asp

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