At a Glance

A thorough assessment of discharged sediment and aquatic biology leads to future resource protection and a record-breaking settlement for environmental impacts.

Project Description

When two adjacent property owners suspected that two separate ponds on their properties were being harmed as a result of poor sediment controls from an upstream residential development project, they turned to Biohabitats for help.

The Biohabitats team examined the depths and volumes of sediment discharged to the seven-acre and one-acre ponds, and fingerprinted the sediments based on texture and color. They then documented the adverse effects to pond biota (e.g. fish and benthic invertebrates) resulting from the discharge of sediment. Based on correlations of fish length and annual growth lines on scales, Biohabitats clearly documented the loss of several year classes of fish associated with periods of excess sediment input from the development’s poor sediment control practices. The team then provided recommended techniques and costs for remediation.

With this effort, Biohabitats helped the property owners put together a court case that resulted in a record settlement from the residential development partners and their consultants.




Chesapeake/Delaware Bays

Physiographic Province




Expertise Areas

Community, Conservation, Ecological Restoration, Infrastructure, Water




Chester County, Pennsylvania, United States