At a Glance

An inventory and assessment of trees in two city parks helps protect and enhance urban green infrastructure.

Project Description

Recognizing the value and benefits of its green infrastructure and following the guidance of a comprehensive landscape management plan for its park system, the City of Hoboken sought to inventory and assess trees in two prominent City parks. For help, they turned to Biohabitats.

Biohabitats tagged all trees within Church Square and Elysian Parks, documenting each tree's genus, species, location, and size. Size measurements included diameter, height, crown spread, and critical root zone. Biohabitats also rated the condition of each tree's roots, trunk, and canopy, and evaluated associated hazard potential.

Based on the inventory and assessment, Biohabitats then provided and prioritized management and recommendations for corrective or maintnance pruning, tree removal, and the preservation and protection of mature and heritage trees. At a later date, Biohabitats will provide peer review of contractors' arboricultural bid documents.



Hudson River


Hudson River

Expertise Areas



City of Hoboken


Hoboken, New Jersey, United States