At a Glance

A watershed-wide plan charts the course and ignites action to protect and restore the last best salmonid rearing and spawning habitat, and results in the design of the first and highest-priority restoration reach.

Project Description

The Pacific Conservation District (PCD), in Partnership with the Willapa Bay Lead Entity (LE) and with support from the Pacific Coast Salmon Recovery Fund, (PCSRF), undertook this Middle Nemah Stream Habitat Assessment and Restoration Design Project. It is part of a pilot watershed restoration initiative developed by the Coast Salmon Partnership with the purpose to identify and focus on a watershed for "complete restoration." The Middle Nemah River, located within the Willapa basin, supports spawning and rearing habitat for Chum, Chinook, Coho, Steelhead, Cutthroat, and non-game native species, but a legacy of logging and road construction in the watershed was degrading and threatening that habitat.

Biohabitats joined Cramer Fish Sciences (CFS) to complete a comprehensive assessment, analysis, and prioritization of restoration opportunities within the 1,000-square-mile watershed.

As restoration design lead, Biohabitats coordinated detailed survey of the highest priority opportunities; developed 2-D modeling of the existing river channel, floodplain, and adjacent off-channel ponds; put together a conceptual design used to coordinate with the property owners; and developed a preliminary design in accordance with PCSRF guidelines. Restoration components include floodplain grading to improve off-channel connectivity and large woody debris structures for both channel and floodplain. The restoration is the first of multiple projects on the Middle Nemah River that will increase the amount of fully-functioning in-stream, riparian, and off-channel habitat necessary for salmonid rearing and spawning.




Physiographic Province

Northern Coast Ranges


Willapa Bay

Expertise Areas

Ecological Restoration


Pacific Conservation District


Pacific County, Washington, United States