Project Description

Hudson Farm, formerly a cattle and horse ranch, is made up of several parcels of land totaling 2,100 acres. The site is adjacent to an important road that runs through the City of Montgomery, Montgomery County, and the Town of Pike Road. A City of Montgomery Smartcode promotes the development of the property as a new community consisting of a series of neighborhoods which follow a set of prescribed rules based on traditional neighborhood design (TND). The Smartcode proposes that new communities be compact, pedestrian-oriented, and mixed-use, in contrast to the single-use conventional suburban development prevalent in the region.

A design charrette was held to plan the future of Hudson Farm. A team of town planners, landscape architects, architects, transportation and civil engineers, and marketing and lifemaking experts was assembled by the town founders, Hudson Land Development Company and Urban Villages, Inc. At the charrette, the founders presented a set of Guiding Principles and Core Values that helped to direct the process.

Biohabitats led the design and development of potable and non-potable water supplies, wastewater treatment, stormwater management, water reuse, watershed restoration efforts. Due to the cutting edge nature of this project, Biohabitats helped the State of Alabama write water reuse regulations to allow for this type of development
to flourish.




Expertise Areas

Infrastructure, Water


Hudson Land Development Company & Urban Villages, Inc.


Hudson, Alabama, United States