At a Glance

The Hog Island project is the first ecological restoration master plan following sediment remediation under the Great Lakes Legacy Act, and will guide the development of future Great Lakes restoration projects.

Project Description

Biohabitats prepared the first ecological restoration plan for one of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) designated Areas of Concern (AOC) in the Great Lakes. Located within the City of Superior, WI, Hog Island was one of the first AOCs to be remediated for contaminated sediment.

Using a stakeholder-driven process, Biohabitats led a collaborative and participatory process in developing an ecological restoration plan for Hog Island and adjacent Newton Creek. Biohabitats spearheaded three public workshops; engaged local, state and federal government agencies; and built community consensus on a variety of ecological restoration initiatives. In addition, we developed, hosted, and supported a web-based interface which provided a method of posting all information as indicated by EPA and for receiving input from the general public and stakeholders.

The final Ecological Restoration Master Plan provided a framework of specific action items that can be carried out by the City of Superior and various community organizations. These action items included the restoration of native plant communities, aquatic and terrestrial habitat, water quality best management practices, recreation amenities and educational initiatives. The Master Plan also served as a catalyst for fund raising and educating the general public on the importance of Hog Island to the environmental and economic well being of the community.



Great Lakes

Physiographic Province

Northern Lakes Forest – Lake Superior Clay Plain


St. Louis River

Expertise Areas

Coastal, Community, Conservation, Ecological Restoration, Urban Ecology


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Great Lakes National Program Office


City of Superior, Wisconsin, United States