By Amy Nelson
Select publications by featured experts, scholars
A Buddhist Perspective: Contributions to Ecological Ethics, by Christopher Ives (In Religions in the Making. Edited by John B. Cobb, Jr.. Eugene OR: Wipf & Stock, 2012.)
Ecology & the Jewish Spirit: Where Nature & the Sacred Meet, by Ellen Bernstein
How Judaism Speaks for the Environment, by Ellen Bernstein (Religion for Earth conference Sept 19, 2014, Climate Weekend, Union Theological Seminary)
Islamic Basis for Environmental Protection, by Fazlun Khalid
Let the Earth Teach You Torah, by Ellen Bernstein and Dan Fink
People Trees: Worship of Trees in Northern India, by David L. Haberman
Qur’an: Creation & Conservation, by Fazlun Khalid
Resources for Buddhist Environmental Ethics, by Christopher Ives (Journal of Buddhist Ethics 20, 2013)
River of Love in an Age of Pollution: The Yamuna River of Northern India,by David Haberman
Spiritually Motivated Natural Resources Protection in Eastern Bhutan, by Elizabeth Allison
The spiritual significance of glaciers in an age of climate change, by Elizabeth Allison (WIREs Clim Change 2015)
The Splendor of Creation: A Biblical Ecology, by Ellen Bernstein
Web Sites
Alliance of Religions and Conservation
The Anglican Communion Environment Network
Buddhist Declaraion on Climate Change
Canfei Nesharim: Sustainable Living Inspired by Torah
Center for the Study of World Religions
Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life
European Forum for the Study of Religion and the Environment
First Nations Environmental Network
Hindu Declaration on Climate Change
Islamic Declaration on Global Climate Change
Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Sciences
The John Ray Initiative: Connecting Environment, Science & Christianity
National Religious Partnership for the Environment (USA)
Parliament of the World’s Religions
Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life
Rabbinic Letter on Climate Crisis
Society for Conservation Biology’s “Religion and Conservation Biology Resources”
Harvard University Press Series of Books on Religions of the World and Ecology
Yale Forum on Ecology and Religion
Yale Forum on Ecology and Religion’s Resources Page
Recent News Items/Articles
Dharma Rain: Sources of Buddhist Environmentalism, by Stephanie Kaza (Ed) and Kenneth Kraft (Ed)
Faith advocates weigh Paris agreement on climate change (Baptist News Global 12/15/15)
WCC leader says faith groups must follow up on climate deal (Vatican Radio 12/16/15)
Christian. Conservative. Tree Hugger. (Politico Magazine 12/6/15)
Additional Publications
Between God and Green, by Katharine K. Wilkinson
Dharma Rain: Sources of Buddhist Environmentalism, by Stephanie Kaza (Ed) and Kenneth Kraft (Ed)
The Dream of the Earth by Thomas Berry
Grounding Religion: A Field Guide to the Study of Religion and Ecology, by Whitney Bauman
Living Ecological Justice: A Biblical Response to the Environmental Crisis (Citizens for Public Justice)

Love God Heal Earth by Rev. Canon Sally G. Bingham
Religions and Environments: A Reader in Religion, Nature and Ecology Paperback, by Richard Bohannon
Sacred Acts: How Churches are Working to Protect Earth’s Climate, by Mallory MacDuff
Sacred Groves and Local Gods: Religion and Environmentalism in South India by Eliza Kent
The Sacred Universe: Earth, Spirituality, and Religion in the Twenty-first Century, by Thomas Berry