At a Glance

An unattractive stormwater pond that had become overgrown with invasive species is now established in native wetland species, enhancing aesthetics, water quality and wildlife habitat.

Project Description

When unattractive, non-native plant species began to dominate the vegetation surrounding a pond on the picturesque grounds of the Broadmead retirement community, the facility turned to Biohabitats for help. Originally designed to manage stormwater and add to landscape aesthetics, the pond, with its overgrown invasive plants, had become an eyesore. Previous attempts to treat the invasive species with chemical herbicides proved costly and ineffective.

Biohabitats began by assessing the site and holistically evaluating the causes of the invasive species problem. This included an evaluation of nutrient loads to the pond. The pond drains to the Loch Raven Reservoir, a primary drinking water source for the City of Baltimore and much of Baltimore County. Biohabitats’ invasive species specialists then developed a multi-year, phased plan that integrated physical control and removal of key invasive species (i.e., cattail, purple loosestrife, corkscrew willow, and Canadian thistle), supplemental planting with native wetland species, a small amount of herbicide application, and management recommendations. Biohabitats also supervised implementation of the plan by the landscape contractor.

After Biohabitats’ treatment, the invasive plants are under control, and attractive native wetland plants are well established. By implementing the recommended management changes, the facility will continue to reduce its landscape maintenance costs.

Biohabitats’ ongoing work at Broadmead includes the exploration of opportunities to implement stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) to further improve the quality of water draining to the pond. To add even more value to the client, Biohabitats  delivered a presentation for community residents to inform them about the project and the environmental benefits of native wetland plants beyond enhanced aesthetics.



Chesapeake/Delaware Bays

Physiographic Province



Loch Raven Reservoir

Expertise Areas

Community, Conservation, Design & Build, Ecological Restoration, Infrastructure, Water




Northern Baltimore County, Maryland, United States