At a Glance

Biohabitats is helping to ensure that an EPA asbestos removal effort is also enhancing stream stability and ecological integrity.

Project Description

From the 1930s to the 1970s the BoRit property was used as a disposal site for asbestos-containing material from a nearby asbestos manufacturing plant. In 2008, the EPA began asbestos removal efforts, which have included work along the banks of the  Wissahickon, Rose Valley and Tannery Run Creeks.

To ensure a single community voice in the restoration process, a community action group (CAG) representing a diverse cross section of key stakeholders was formed. The CAG included property owners, residents, planners, community groups, environmentalists, health experts, local businesses, affected municipalities and others.

Under the EPA’s Technical Assistance Services for Communities (TASC) program, Biohabitats was brought into the CAG to provide independent technical assistance on proposed streambank stabilization techniques.

Biohabitats reviewed and commented on streambank stabilization aspects of EPA’s Removal Action plan, participated in CAG meetings, and performed site visits during construction.



Chesapeake/Delaware Bays

Physiographic Province



Lower Delaware

Expertise Areas

Community, Water


E2, Inc.


Ambler, Pennsylvania, United States